Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jerry Rice

I've never denied being a stalker, but after this I truly feel like a stalker!! In November John was invited to participate in a celebrity golf tournament in Monterey, with NFL players benefiting the boys and girls club. Our good friends from Chicago were also invited to come and play in the tournament. While our husbands golfed, Tina and I went to the Spa, Shopped and roamed around Monterey. Now I'm not a big fan of Dancing With The Stars, but Tina is..... and ever where we went we would run into Jerry Rice!! He was kind and took a picture with Tina and talked with us for a bit... But I'm sure after the 3 day of seeing us cross his path, he was thinking stalkers!! On our last night there our husbands get this great idea!! since we keep seeing Jerry Rice we should get his autograph.... and of course now that we want to see him, we don't..... But we know which golf course he is playing at and what time his tee time is!! Needless to say I think he was a bit shocked when we came out of the bushes carrying 3 footballs for him to sign!! He was kind enough to sign our balls and we got out of there fast, before security could be called!! I'm sure he was thinking restraining order :)


Last Football Game....
The Varsity Football Team made it to the playoff games this year. They lost the last game, but it has been a fun season. On a sad note!!
Besides this being the last game, it's also the last football game Jessie will ever cheer at as a HighSchool Cheerleader. Infact it is the last game she will ever cheer at as a HighSchool cheerleader. She graduated HighSchool mid term and is now off to college at BYU Idaho.

Varsity Squad 2011

Mandy's Wedding

The morning of the big day my niece Amy came over and did Mandy's hair and make up. Mandy looked Beautiful!!

Mandy's brides maid Jessie, Katie and Emily (Ben's sisters)

It was a beautiful day the weather was perfect, every thing ran smoothly and the bride and groom looked perfect!! The only problem was my broken toe that hurt so bad in my cute shoes!! Ben is a great addition to the family.

Friday, January 27, 2012

John's Tick and Gaby's Broken Toe

My shoes for Mandy's wedding that I could barley get my foot into and than hurt so bad to have on!!
My foot the morning after!! I was bringing firewood into the house for our nightly fires, when a log hit my foot, it did not fall on my foot, but hit it. And this is what it looked like the next morning, blue green and swollen. 2 weeks before Mandy's wedding!! And it got worse before it got a little better!!
Two days after I injured my foot, John decides to play lumberjack, and go up to the hills to cut some firewood. While there he decided to take a hike. He had a Great Day being outdoors and in the fresh air. Until 24 hrs. later when he discovered he had a tick living in him!! Thats fine country living at it's best!!
The live tick John pulled out with twezzers!!


Jacob had a great soccer season, he improved so much over the past year, that it was fun and exciting to watch. He scored a goal at the first game, and we love that he can be on the same team as his cousin Kaden. which makes for an even more fun soccer season!! Can't wait until next year!! Jacob and Kaden
Coach Darren and Coach Matt. look who is peeking over his shoulder to get in the picture!! Sterling

Jacob looses 2 teeth

Jacob is 7 years old and has not lost a tooth yet, until our trip to the dentist. He was complaining that he had a tooth growing in, I figured it was his back molars, so I didn't think much about it. Until he was complaining how much it was hurting. Finally I had him show me the teeth and there behind his baby teeth, his adult teeth were coming in. I made a phone call to the dentist and a few days later 2 teeth were pulled out. Jacob was very brave!! I'm sure it hurt alot!! The Tooth Fairy brought him $4.00, he was very excited!!

Jacob's first tooth that got pulled!!
You can see his tooth already coming up.
waiting to get the 2nd tooth pulled out.