Saturday, September 10, 2016


Jacob did a lot this summer with scouts. He went to Scout Camp at camp Winton, where his two older brothers have gone. This year his cousin Kaden went to scout camp with him, their mission was to come home with 7 blue cards signed no partials!! And to take at least 2 showers and get the clear bead!! They had a lot to accomplish, one merit badge required sleeping out in the wilderness with nothing except the shelter that you built. I'm happy to report that not only did both boys receive 7 signed blue cards but also received the clear bead for taking at least 2 showers while at scout camp for the week. ( That's what matters most :) the clear bead!!) Both boys seemed to have a great time, and are planning next year to attend each other's scout camp and double their merit badges.... plus doubling the clear bead!! 

 Whenever Jacob had a minute  he could be found down by the lake either fish or catching crawdads. He said the water was too cold to swim in but did manage to pass his swimming test just incase he wanted to go in the water or boating.
 Never a dull moment when you have a fishing pool and a place to fish. and yes it was all catch and releases....Thanks to all the leaders who gave off their time, talents and energy to be with the boys for a week making sure they were where they needed to be, They were getting their blue cards signed and keeping track of all the boys and their gear. I'm sure the adults did not get much sleep this week either, but I'm thankful they were there with the boys and the support they gave the boys to achieve and experience as much as they could while at scout camp.
 Jacob was in charge of the food for his camp out with his troop, what better camping dinner then foil dinners, the carrots, onions,garlic, and hamburger were all from our garden. We just had to buy the potatoes and assemble the dinners. This was his last requirement to become a First Class Scout. So proud of my baby and all the things he has been doing to increase his rankings to become an eagle scout like his dad and brothers are.

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