Saturday gardening time! we had the whole family out there working on our summer garden! we planted squash, cucumbers and tomato plants! Yum! cant wait until they are ready to be eaten.

Happy birthday Jacob! he is officially 6! ladies back off soon enough he will be dating ;) We had a nice birthday dinner with the family and the grandmas (and norman) He got rollerblades which he is still learning how to use!! We told him now that he is a 6 year old that means he has to sleep in his own bed (that will never happen!!) he just laughed at us... He also got to pick out his cake and he picked transformers because they had rings you could wear. We love that little guy!

Jacob turns 6! birthday lunch at chevys where he got his hat. he loves it.

Jacob is rocking the Giants jersey this year for baseball! His team is the bad news bears but with each game they are gradually getting better and better... who knows maybe by the last game jacob wont strike out too many times!

We went to tahoe for spring break and put jacob in ski school and boy did he love it! He wanted to go the next day! He was able to ski with John, Jessie, and jeremy who were all very patient and careful with him! We will be skiing again with him in no time :)

Jacob has found a new love for the snow. He can spend hours out there just by himself building himself forts and digging around in the snow. He will climb and just find all sorts of things to keep him occupied.

Jacobs class had their p.t.a performance during february and they sang love songs and were so cute!

Jacob got student of the month! WAHOO!! we are all so proud of him. Not to be a proud mother, but he has to be one of the smartest kids in his class!

Jeremy and Jacob got all the toy story legos and spent some brother bonding time building... most the time it was jeremy telling jacob to stop touching them. They had fun in the end though.